Fair Lending Doesn’t Stop at Closing!
May 13, 2022 BY MQMR Blogger
Fair Lending Doesn’t Stop at Closing
April 28, 2022
Scott Weintraub, MQMR
Jerry Jamieson, New American Funding
Consistent Procedures for Servicing
Customer Service Calls
Collections Calls
Applications for Loan Modification / Loss Mitigation
Applications Received after Referral to Foreclosure
Exceptions and Process
Tracking and Reporting
Fair Servicing
“Under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA,) it is unlawful for a lender to discriminate on a prohibited basis in any aspect of a credit transaction, and under both the ECOA and the [Fair Housing] Act, it is unlawful for a lender to discriminate on a prohibited basis in a residential real-estate-related transaction. A lender may not, because of a prohibited factor: […] Fail to provide information or services or provide different information or services regarding any aspect of the lending process [or] treat a borrower differently in servicing a loan or invoking default remedies.”
Fair Servicing Compliance Best Practices
- Include Servicing in Fair Lending Program
- Policy and Procedures
- Designation of Fair Lending/Servicing Officer
- Fair Lending/ Servicing Committee, with representatives from Executive Management and/or Board of Directors
- Fair Servicing Training Requirements
- Monitoring of Loans for fair servicing issues
- Fair Servicing Data Analysis
- Action Steps to implement change as needed
Consistent Policies and Procedures
Ensure that all borrowers are treated fairly in every stage of the servicing process such as:
- Servicing Transfer – Does the borrower have a pending application for Loss Mitigation
- Payments
□ Applied consistently and compliantly
□ Suspense Account Funds - Applications - Loan Modification and Loss Mit
- Fee Waivers – Late Charge / NSF
- Ensure that all employees understand that Fair Lending extends to Servicing as well
- Include targeted, job-specific training
- What can your company’s employees do, while performing their job duties, to ensure Fair Servicing?
□ Outreach to customers in geographic areas hit hardest by COVID – 19
□ Strategy for LEP customers
□ Document efforts made to assist customers prior to referral to foreclosure
Customer Service
- Are you providing fair and equal service to all borrowers?
- SLAs for Responses to Borrower Questions
- Requests for documentation - payment history, payoff statement
- Payment Options – Phone, Internet, Check
- Are free options communicated?
- Escrow Analysis / Balance / Statements
- Forced-Placed Insurance
□ PMI Removal
- How are borrowers treated once they are in default?
- Collections Calls – Are frequency and tone of calls the same? Are borrowers provided the same opportunities, such as a Loss Mit Application?
- Fee Waivers – How does actual practice compare with company policy?
- Letters – Do borrowers in similar situations receive the same notifications across the same timeframes?
- How are inbound calls handled?
- How is the LOS Updated?
Loss Mitigation Applications
- How are incomplete applications treated?
□ Is there a consistent process for follow-up on the items needed for a complete application?
- Tracking and Reporting – Are you tracking incomplete applications, including the number of follow-ups and whether contact with the borrower was successful?
- Decisions – Do borrowers in similar situations receive the same outcome?
□ Are you performing Fair Servicing Data Analysis?
- How are applications treated when received after the loan has been referred to foreclosure?
□ Is there a consistent process for notifying the foreclosure attorney to prevent the next step in the process from occurring?
□ Is there a consistent policy for when a Loss Mit Application would be considered prior to a foreclosure sale?
◉ Do you follow CFPB and/or State Law, or would you go beyond?
Exceptions and Process
- Does your company allow for exceptions:
□ Fee Waivers
□ Loss Mitigation Decisions / Terms
□ Considering a Loss Mit App in advance of foreclosure sale - Is there a consistent process?
□ How to request an exception
□ Criteria for approval
□ Documentation of reason(s) for approval or denial and GMI info
- Does your company track the following:
□ Fee Waiver Requests
□ Customer Service / Collections Calls
□ Incomplete Loss Mitigation Applications
□ Loss Mitigation Decisions / Outcomes
□ Consideration of Loss Mitigation Applications
□ Exceptions - Do you have the GMI for all borrowers that provided it during the application process?
Data Analysis
- Loss Mitigation Applications
- Loan Modification Decisions
- Loss Mitigation Outcomes – home retention vs. disposition
Initial Analysis
- Incomplete Applications
□ % completed vs. closed
- Considering Applications
□ Received while in foreclosure
- Application Decisions
□ Loan Modification & Terms
- Loss Mitigation Outcomes
□ Retention vs. Disposition
Regression Analysis
- When should you perform it?
□ If you have already identified disparities in your data that are statistically significant, but are not exactly sure what is driving the disparities.
□ Want or need a deeper understanding of the story that your loan servicing data tells. - Factors to consider:
□ Payment history, Previous loss mitigation history, BK history
□ Will also identify outliers for match pair comparative file review.
Corporate Governance
- A Fair Lending/Servicing Committee is comprised of executive management and/or the board of directors. The committee should meet on a quarterly basis and should address the following items:
□ Status and results of company-wide Fair Lending/ Servicing training
□ Review Fair Lending / Servicing Data Analysis Reports
□ Develop course of action for any protected class that appears to be adversely treated
□ Update, review and approve policies, procedures and/or internal controls
Watch The Fair Lending Doesn’t Stop at Closing Webinar below